We will try to keep this section updated as better as possible. It contains news generated on the regional, national, and international press, radio, TV, and other magazines (e.g. National Geographic, Muy Interesante, Investigación y Ciencia, etc)

23 Mar 2018
Ata, un esqueleto de quince centímetros de largo descubierto en Chile hace veinte años, tenía rasgos poco comunes como un cráneo picudo, pero un nuevo estudio indica que eso en realidad se debe a pequeñas mutaciones nunca antes vistas en humanos.
22 Mar 2018
Known as “Ata,” the six-inch-long skeleton was discovered in Chile and may have had genetic mutations causing a bone disorder never before documented.
22 Mar 2018

The New York Times, March 22, 2018 Link Nearly two decades ago, the rumors began: In the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, someone had discovered a tiny...